In the pursuit of emulating the feel of D&D, another bit I wanted in the game is some kind of character differentiation by weapon choice. I didn't want a huge table of weapons to pick from, though, nor did I want separate damage rolls or rules for things like number of hands an object took to wield or proficiency.

What I settled on is that weapons act as a trait, and the die value of the trait is set by a combination of weight and type. Weight is Heavy or Light - the former pairs with Strength and has higher die values, while the latter pairs with Dexterity. I'm also considering restricting type and range based on weight, but that's not present in the current draft.

Types have varying effects. Powerful weapons have higher base die sizes, Accurate add an extra die to the pool, Defensive adds a die to certain defensive rolls (Push Yourself, in Blades terms), and Vicious lets you count extra dice towards your damage total.