My last post I allude to damage; this is something I've added to B&B mostly as a means of differentiating weapons, giving me an excuse to have Bestiary stat blocks for adversaries, and giving the GM a bit more direct of a fight-pacing mechanic. The basic idea is that Damage may be an effect of a successful Threat roll, and will be the combined value of any two non-d20 dice (or three, for a Vicious weapon) from a roll. This is then compared to a Defense value the adversary has; for each time the defense divides fully into the damage, the adversary takes 1 stress. I've tried to set the value to mean a "standard" adversary takes four average attacks to defeat, but this is a starting point and definitely needs playtesting to nail it in - four attacks may be too much, and I may have miscalculated how much stress a typical attack will inflict.

This is also one of the bits of the game I'm less confident in - other bits so far have been modified procedures to reach the same end. This one is sort of just adding enemy HP to Blades. Now, that's not totally out there - this is essentially formalizing using clocks for fight pacing - but I do fear it'll get in the way by being formalized this way. I don't want to accidentally encourage fictionless "swing-hit-damage-next" playloops.